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Seb Falk
Dec 21, 20164 min read
How short is the shortest day?
Happy Yule! As you probably know, Yule (Jól) was the pagan Nordic celebration of the bleak midwinter. And it’s the winter solstice...
Seb Falk
Jun 20, 20163 min read
The start of summer?
Facebook greeted me today with this little graphic: Given that this is the radar picture over the UK this morning, it’s not surprising...
Seb Falk
Jun 2, 20154 min read
Drawing up a medieval horoscope
I’ve written a blog post entitled “How to cast a medieval horoscope” before. But I didn’t tell the whole story. Regular readers of this...
Seb Falk
Dec 12, 20123 min read
The Moon on a stick*
*well, on a disc of MDF, anyway. Want to know how to find the moon? Of course you do! So far on this blog I have constructed and...
Seb Falk
Nov 12, 20124 min read
Medieval Craftsmanship, Part 3
[Drumroll] Ladies and gentlemen, I shall now demonstrate the use of a medieval planetary equatorium! In the first two posts in this...
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