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Seb Falk
Jun 9, 20145 min read
Launch of the Digital Equatorium
I wrote this post for the Peterhouse Perne and Ward Libraries blog. It is cross-posted from there with their kind permission. 28 May saw...
Seb Falk
May 30, 20141 min read
Cambridge in 1945
I’ve just come across this fantastic propaganda film from 1945. It is a detailed picture of life in Cambridge as the second world war...
Seb Falk
Nov 28, 20136 min read
Hasok Chang and the disgruntled internalists
Regular readers beware: there are no astrolabes in this post! Instead we’ll be engaging with some hardcore historiography. Comments...
Seb Falk
Aug 2, 20135 min read
Museums and their Public
What do museums owe the public? And what should the public give museums? These questions have been on my mind recently, as I’ve been...
Seb Falk
May 29, 20133 min read
Three Faces of Derek de Solla Price
This post is cross-posted from the Connecting with Collections blog. I recently read a fascinating article about the early years of the...
Seb Falk
Mar 19, 20134 min read
Why did Derek de Solla Price come to Cambridge?
This post is cross-posted from the Connecting with Collections blog. In a previous post I introduced one of the main subjects of my...
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