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Seb Falk
Jun 20, 20163 min read
The start of summer?
Facebook greeted me today with this little graphic: Given that this is the radar picture over the UK this morning, it’s not surprising...
Seb Falk
Jun 2, 20154 min read
Drawing up a medieval horoscope
I’ve written a blog post entitled “How to cast a medieval horoscope” before. But I didn’t tell the whole story. Regular readers of this...
Seb Falk
Dec 12, 20123 min read
The Moon on a stick*
*well, on a disc of MDF, anyway. Want to know how to find the moon? Of course you do! So far on this blog I have constructed and...
Seb Falk
Nov 12, 20124 min read
Medieval Craftsmanship, Part 3
[Drumroll] Ladies and gentlemen, I shall now demonstrate the use of a medieval planetary equatorium! In the first two posts in this...
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